DR. Alireza Mirzaei

Master of Science in Lasers in
Dentistry, RWTH Aachen University
Sep 2009 – Sep 2015
Director and Technical Manager
Labkhand Dental Clinic, Tehra, Iran
September 2017 – now
Private dental clinic
Shafagostar dental clinic,Tehran,Iran
March 2011-September 2017
Director of the Dental Clinic
Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Tehran, Iran
March 2009 – March 2011
Director & Technical Manager
Dr Khaleghi Dental Clinic, Karaj, Iran
September 2007-March 2009
Director & Technical Manager
Farhangian Dental Clinic, Islamshahr, Iran
February 2003-September 2007
Certified Trainer, World Clinical Laser Institute (WCLI USA), in Iran
November2013-June 2019
Certified Trainer, World Academy for Laser Education & Research in
Dentistry (WALED), in Iran
Septmebr206 – Today
Great trainer, Dentsply Sirona Academy, in Iran
June 2019 – Today
Membership and Leadership Positions
Staff & Speakers
Laser Section, (AALZ) RWTHAachen University, in Iran, Iran
September2013 - Today
Senior Advisor & Member of the Laser Research Center
Azad Islamic University, Dental Branch, Tehran, Iran
2016 – Today
Consultant & member of the Laser Research Center
Hamedan University of Medical Sciences, Iran
2015 – 2019
Erbium Laser Application in Closed Esthetic Crown Lengthening, International
Congress of Periodontology, Tehran, Iran, 2017
Erbium Laser Application in Periodontal Diseases, Iranian General Dentist
Association Congress, Isfahan, Iran, 2016
Diode Lasers Application, Mastership/Fellowship Courses of RWTH Aachen University
University held in Iran, One-day Workshop, 2013 - Present
Erbium Lasers Application, Mastership/Fellowship Courses of RWTH Aachen University
University held in Iran, Two-day Workshop, 2013 – Present
Diode Lasers Application, World Clinical Laser Institute (WCLI) USA, Two-day
Workshops, 2013-2019
Diode Lasers Application, World Academy for Laser Education & Research in
Dentistry (WALED), Two-day Workshop, 2015 – Present
Tutor, Iranian general dentist Association, 2013-2015
Training assistant, qualification see models that dentists instruct on
Dental Treatments, RWTH University Aachen, Aachen, and Tehran
September 2013 - today
Speaker for laser workshops & coordinator for master students from the
Master theses supervision
1) The effect of low-level 810 & 940 nm diode laser radiation with
different energy densities on survival and proliferation of humans
gingival fibroblasts
2) The effect of combination 940 nm diode laser and scaling treatment,
against scaling alone on improving the microbiological parameters of
3) The effect of etching duration of Er,Cr:YSGG laser on dentin
morphology; an in vitro study
4) The effect of different types of diode lasers with different fibers
diameters on tissue thermal changes in laboratory environment
5) A comparison of intra-articular triamcinolone injection and 940 nm
diode laser radiation efficacy on symptom improvement in patients
with temporomandibular joint disorder
6) The effect of 940 nm diode laser radiation in different powers on
colony formation of Candida Albicans
7) Comparison of tissue thermal changes of the three types of diode
laser radiation (810, 940 and 980 nm) in laboratory environment
8) The effect of Er, Cr: YSGG laser on composite to dentin micro-tensile
bond strength by applying self-etch adhesive bonding system and
universal adhesive bonding system; an in vitro study
9) Assessment of the effect of photodynamic therapy with 810 and 940 nm
10) laser on herpes simplex virus type 1, laboratory study
research article
1) Mahdisiar, F., Mirzaei, A., Fallah, A., Gutknecht, N. and Akhoundan,
S., 2018. Effect of duration of Er, Cr: YSGG laser etching on dentin
morphology: an in vitro study. Lasers in Dental Science, 2(4), pp.213-
2) Namvar, M.A., Vahedi, M., Abdolsamadi, H.R., Mirzaei, A.,
Mohammadi, Y. and Jalilian, F.A., 2019. Effect of photodynamic
Therapy by 810 and 940 nm diode laser on Herpes Simplex Virus 1: An
in vitro study. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, 25, pp.87-
3) Mirzaei, A., Saberi-Demneh, A., Gutknecht, N. and Ramezani, G.,
2019. The effect of low-level laser radiation on improving inferior
Alveolar nerve damage after sagittal split osteotomy: a systematic
review. Lasers in Medical Science, pp.1-8.
4) Mirzaie, A.R., Hashemi Shahzadeh, M., Barzegari, M. and Azizi, A.,
2018. Comparison of serum folic acid level in oral lichen planus
patients and healthy subjects.
5) Sadeghi, R., Semyari, H., Mirzaei, A.R., Sheikhnezhad, H., Shanei, F.
and Zohri, Z., 2017. The effects of diode lasers as an adjunct to scaling
and root planning on treatment of chronic periodontitis: a review of
theliterature. Journal of Research in Dental and Maxillofacial
Sciences, 2(2), pp.8-15.
6) Fallah, A., Mirzaei, A., Gutknecht, N. and Demneh, A.S., 2017. Clinical
Effectiveness of low-level laser treatment on peripheral
somatosensory neuropathy. Lasers in Medical Science, 32(3), pp.721-
1) Lecture on low-level laser therapy, WFLD 17th Conference, Aachen,
2) Assessment of Smear Layer Removal Ability of Er,Cr:YSGG Laser in
Drilled implant holes with different settings: a pilot study. 3rd WALED
and DGL congress, November 26-28, Berlin, Germany, 2017
3) Effects of 940 nm laser diode associated with scaling treatment
compared with scaling alone on improving the microbiological
parameters of periodontal health assessment, 5th WALED congress
September 22-23, 2018, Thessaloniki – Greece
4) Use of different wavelength lasers in peri-implantitis treatment. 7th
international congress of Iranian general dentist association August
2017, Tehran
5) Live surgery (Live crown lengthening) with Er,Cr:YSGG. 17th
international congress of periodontology in Iran Oct. 2017, Tehran
1. Persian (Farsi) translation of "The principles of medical
and dental laser" by Dr. Rene Franzen
2. Persian (Farsi) translation of "Lasers in Restorative Dentistry"
by Giovanni Olive
3. Lasers in Pediatric Dentistry Chapter of "Pediatric
Dentistry" by Professor Damle, India
4 Persian (Farsi) translation of "laser in the mouth and
jaw surgery" by Stefan Stübinger